Review of Octane

Octane (2003)
Definitely unleaded
22 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many British movies, this one doesn't seem to know what it's trying to say, and still manages to say it badly.

SPOILERS AHEAD: The first scene is quite well done other than excessive use of whip-pans to make it trendily 'edgy', but then it's straight into The Exposition Zone with our cliched Spoilt Brat Teenager and Overprotective Mother: why is it that so few British movies actually manage to give us characters who are sympathetic enough to care about? Then, well, not a lot really happens for what seems like an eternity, followed by an obligatory police station scene, a few dance video interludes, and, at long last, a final showdown, where a character who, unless I missed something (and I may well have done, I was dozing off by this point), has barely been in the movie up to now, suddenly appears to blow stuff up and save the day. Finally there's a happy ending but the dead villain drops by ready for the sequel... or does he? That's about it really.

Which is a shame, because it's nicely shot and has an awful lot of potential, it's just never developed, like the characters and their background. In particular, part-way through the movie we're very effectively brought to question whether Overprotective Mother is just hallucinating all this, and it actually gets interesting for a bit... but then we're quickly brought back to tedious reality. It would have been a vastly better movie if they'd decided whether to follow the Vampire Ravers plot or the Hallucinating Mother plot and stuck with one or the other: as it is we only get half of each and they're not very well tied together. And what was it with that whole abortion thing near the end?

SPOILER-FREE ZONE: On the plus side, the cute chick does run around in a transparent dress for a fair chunk of the final sequence, but it's not really worth sitting through the rest of the movie for. And the only day scene (I presume from the credits that the rest is at night so they could shoot it in Luxemburg and pretend it was America) has a couple of pretty wide shots in it, even though the grad filter is very obvious. Sad to say, the fact that those are the best things I can think of to say about the movie probably tells you a lot.
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