Deathbed (2002 Video)
Deathbed! Can you hear the sounds of screaming? Hmmmm!
29 December 2002
A Movie about a possessed bed! A novel idea indeed, Interesting artwork, that certainly sold the movie to me, but my main reason for watching this movie, was the presence of Stuart Gordon and Charles Band.

As it stands, the cover read "Stuart Gordon Presents" But what exactly does he present, and this i swear, to the end of my days, i'll forever be a fan of Charles Band work, but heaven help me, when they both got together to work on this endeavour.

The Film opens with an old style scenario capturing the essence of a silent movie, of a man slowly seducing a beautiful woman on a bed,to the eerie strains of haunting music, finally ending with the woman being strangled with a silk scarf, this is followed by a slow fade to black, not however before i realised that the man committing the crime,was one time stalwart of Fred Olen Ray's band of film makers,Michael (D) Sonye (Aka Dukey Flyswatter) and if memory serves did he not write, Ray's "Deepspace" but also voice the titular character in Charles Band's "Sorority Babes in The Slime Bowlarama.

Intriguing Indeed, and as for the rest of his scenes, he never has one word of dialogue, which means he didn't have to try to hard to put his character up there on scene, as the scene set his character, i can't however say the same for the rest of the characters in the movie.

Who should i blame, nobody really as all i did was watch the movie, and power to all involved as we should never dismiss the true art of film making, and the efforts invovled in putting it all together, but Danny Draven (Where was Trent Hagga?)along with John Strysik the writer and hand model in the movie have crafted nothing of note.

A Movie littered with all the usual false scares, interesting use of lighting effects and a little light titillation, nothing new on show here except for the concept, So how real was the presence of Charles Band and Stuart Gordon, I'd say about as real As Joe Estevez's turn as the caretaker of the fancy building that the young couple movie into, Now thats the real horror on show here!!!
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