Review of Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Long and Boring
3 July 2004
Uh I just saw spiderman 2 as a team outing. It's not that good.

I mean it's OK. But there are times where I thought I was watching a B rated horror movie (in terms of the style of cinematography and cheesy dialog, I was thinking Army Of Darkness, which the main character of that movie happened to play the usher). That aside, I think they were going for a comic book feel on that. So then, 80% of the movie is slow ass crap. Which is either the love story situation, or the whole 'those who have a gift must use it for good' melodrama. There were times were I was borderline about to just walk out and finish it later when it comes out on DVD.

Though it woulda been hilarious if when Harry, who was whining about his dad the entire movie, at one point when he see spiderman is Peter and goes "You killed my father! (for the 500th time)" instead of Peter going "there are bigger things going on than you and me..." but rather said "Dude, get over it already."

They also coulda delved a bit more into why Peter was losing his powers. I was guessing that it was related to being totally stressed out. But the powers mysteriously come back at peak stress. Oh wait, lemme guess it's because "he believed in himself." (yawn)

Spiderman 2 was dumbed down for kids. I don't think action movie goers care for the 2hr chick flick that this movie was, nor do kids. Love stories are always introduced for one primary purpose: it's inexpensive. Not that this movie was low budget, but if you chopped out 30 mins of the "filler", you would have had a better impact.

Ah well... All in all 6.5/10.
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