Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Huge Disappointment
2 July 2004
I honestly feel that I must have seen a different movie than the one critics and audiences are eating up by the spoonful. The flick I saw had horrible dialogue - lows including the Henry needs a hero speech, every time Harry Osbourne spoke to himself about his hatred for Spiderman, Molina's nonsensical fusion speech... the list goes on forever - also the action was largely uninspired and overly CG, the Villain's plot super lame(he's going to destroy the city because he is a incompetent scientist and can't get his experiment right?) and worst of all, the picture was plain boring.

I had high hopes for the film as I loved the first one and Raimi appeared to be shrewdly stealing the plot from Superman 2 (a great sequel), but in the end, the movie turned out flat and uninspired.

Spiderman, like Superman, should be the fun, light-hearted superhero movie where you jump out of your seat to cheer for the hero. Aside from the "Go get 'em, tiger" line at the end, I never once felt like cheering for our hero.
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