Predictable and preachy, but yet, quite funny!
8 June 2003
Far be it from me to impose myself on the Jim Carrey love fest happening in the reviews here. Nevertheless, I do have a bit of a gripe with the movie - although over-all I really liked it and would recommend it highly to anyone.

Carrey, as usual in rare comedic form complete with the grandiose gestures and facial expressions that have made him famous. Sometimes they are just too much, but since it is what we have come to expect from him, we don't seem to mind. Funny - yes the show is marvelously funny. There are moments that I laughed so hard that tears ran down my cheeks - even though other members of the audience didn't seem to get it.

There are times when the pacing is a little slow and uneven - especially at the beginning when they are "setting up" the story. But as the show progresses it smooths out considerably.

There are moments too, when the show is terribly sappy, which I could have done without. To his credit, Carrey manages to get through the saccarin with credibility and does a greatjob.(Although not as great as he did in Truman). As far as predictability is concerned - this flick is as predictable as they come and nothing that is said or done surprises for a second. If sappy, happily ever after is your cup of tea, then this is the movie for you.

Morgan Freeman. Brilliant as always. The man can do no wrong.
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