Ban BMP from the Entertainment Industry ASAP!
8 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I think this "film" proves that Buffooning Myself Poorly is about as tragically un-self-aware as are all of its hamsters.

I briefly entertained the foolish thought that the plot may actually have been going somewhere when the tall skinny bitchy one started telling her fellow "cast members" that this was exactly what Roland wanted them to do--get all their issues out and create conflict and fulfill their stereotypes.

"Yes!" I thought. "Perhaps we are finally in for some self-critique".

But then it quickly degenerated into something like the bastard child of "The Blair Witch Project" and "Undressed".

Please indulge me, as there are few things I just have to get off my chest (May Contain Spoilers):

1. Why the hell did they run aimlessly through the woods instead of running down the road they obviously came in on?

2. How in the world could Jake be such a stupid freaking idiot?

3. What, oh what was the purpose of having the scenes with the actual RW folks (other than as filler)?

I think we see why Jon and Mary-Ellis failed as soap producers--they couldn't produce dialogue or plots believable enough to satisfy even the basement-dwelling standards of daytime television.

Rating: 1 - I'd give it a big fat goose egg if IMDB had such an option.
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