What was Mary Bunim thinking
7 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*************Contains Spoilers***********

Spoof or no Spoof, this was terrible. I understand that it was meant to be a spoof but we should not have been subjected to this. The acting was horrible, the plot was weak, and the stereotypes were ridiculous and even somewhat offensive. None of the "cast members" hae any acting skills at all. Probably the best actor was the guy who played Roland and even he wasn't that good. It reminded me of watching George Clooney as Batman. We all remember "To-the-bat-mobile," dialogue. It was worse in The lost season. Second, they tried to play it off as a real season of "The Real World" yet the cinemetography was that of a "professional" film. Not to mention that Aneesa from Real World Chicago was in it which aired after "The Lost Season" was "originally taped". Third, the stereotyping of the characters Omara, Adam, Boomer, and Cash was just sickening and offensive at times. Omara was the "black sister" room mate. In your face, offensive, standoffish, etc. Adam was the dumb jock, who made a box of rocks look smart and they end up falling for each other in the end. Boomer was the alternative skater guy who used the word dude one too many times. Cash was the "closeted homosexual" who was outed due to Rolands mind games and for some reason or another ended up making out with the camera man whom nobody knew anything about in the end.

All in all, don't wast your hour and a half. The attempt at a twist ending was ridiculous and I think Jake would realize that MTV was not paying his salary.
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