7 August 2002
In a word-LAME! Biggest waste of time, I feel like suing MTV for those 90 minutes of my life back. Not only were the "roomates" weak caricatures of real Real World roomates, they were annoying and vapid. Did anyone else want to strangle Liz or what??! She was almost as bad as Heather Donahue from Blair Witch Project, ALMOST. I mean, if they'd at least been FUNNY I could give them a little credit. And everything seemed rushed in the beginning, then became painfully SLOW in the end. The guys weren't even that cute. The real Real Worlders who "guest starred", although I liked most of them in their seasons, were a painful thing to watch here. The IDEA of this movie was an interesting one, but unfortunately the script that was developed didn't do it justice. Watching this movie was like watching a train wreck, I knew that I should stop watching, but was strangely compelled to see it through. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a -5.
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