Real Loser
6 August 2002
I am a fan of the Real World and thought the idea of a Lost Season movie sounded pretty cool. Knowing that it was all an acted out production unlike the Real World was ok with me. The idea seemed original and interesting with a season gone very wrong and the tapes and footage being covered up. My first disappointment came with the marketing strategy used in the promotion. They seemed to try to go with the Blair Witch approach by saying there was a lost season of film not used due to a disaster of some sort. That was sort of cool and gave it an almost scary and suspenseful feel. Then the later advertising became annoying by using goofy reporters and very unreal Real World executives. These terrible ads made me not want to tune in to this 2-hour commercial free presentation. Still I gave it a chance having been pleased by previous M TV productions in the past. To my disappointment the movie was just as bad as the commercials. The appearance of some of the original Real World casts was a plus, and then the actors came in to play and ruined it all. The story was poorly written with no imagination and only cashing in on the cheap thrills that M TV uses so often such as sex, sexuality, and sex. M TV also tried to rip off on The Blair Witch Project once more with its jerky camera work. The acting was terrible which is weird since the magic of the Real World is the fact there is no acting. This idea had so much promise but just fell in the wrong hands to carry it out. I recommend not watching the re-airing of this movie and knowing M TV there will be plenty of re-airings in the future. After seeing this movie I think maybe M TV should hang up the filming hat and go back to the basics, namely music and leave films to some one else. In the end this Real World movie was a Real Loser.
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