Pretty charming indie: glad it's out on DVD
28 September 2004
I actually stumbled on this little gem when it was playing in theaters here and couldn't say enough for friends to see it; now I can buy it and show them what they missed!

I have never been in a movie where the audience consistently laughed throughout the ENTIRE movie (well, there was "Anchorman"...). It's an odd little masterpiece: the leading man is an overweight biker, the leading woman is stunning (but not yet famous in other films) somewhat unsure school teacher, a typical setting is a sushi bar in downtown Boise, Idaho -- and it charms and gets you laughing 'til you don't want it to end.

It's also a gentle film: you can show your parents this and they'll be laughing too, even though it's about tattoos and sex and rebellion... and rated "R". This is a world where the "Extra" who's rowing past in boat says "hi"; and the leads' friends keep popping up and had the theater roaring. Very original, quirky, surprising fun... glad my fav. little film is finally out to show others what I was talking about.

So now I can put it on my shelf now: a sweet little romantic comedy that's smart in its humor -- that nobody can say "I've seen that already."

You'll be loaning it to friends.

Christopher Lock Los Angeles
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