15 July 2003
I sit here and read all of these reviews and wonder what truly is wrong with the world today. These last couple of months, I come to check out fan reviews of movies that I want to see, and then make a decision on whether or not I truly want to see a movie or not. However, reading some 'over the top' and bashing reviews from some people, I still go out and watch the movies. To me it sounds like some people are too critical and want things served to them with golden spoons. Everything has to be perfectly 'believable', and played out the way that little baby whiners want it to be. For anyone that wants to write a really long review to a movie, and in the five or six paragraphs bitch and moan about every little detail they 'detested' or found 'extraordinarily disgusting', needs to get a life or stop living the life of a failed movie critic. Cause face it guys, none of you will ever be Joel Siskel! LXG lives up to my expectations. I was hoping for a good movie with excellent characters, and wonderful special effects. I got all of that wrapped up into this movie. The actors did a great job, and it is an action movie so we got all the explosions! For those of you that wanna see LXG, do it! It's not a waste of money. Don't listen to the whiners out there, because in the world today, there are far too many of them.
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