Confidence (2003)
Try and stay awake.......
19 August 2003
From the start it became obvious that this film owed a lot to the likes of Snatch and Lock, Stock et al. At least, it was pitched at the audience in a very similar way, though without the comedy element that made the aforementioned films fun to watch.

Given its attempted rip-off of other movies, its no surprise that the story has a few twists along the way. Trouble is, they were kind of predictable. At least, they would have been if I had been paying more than casual attention to the film. The truth is, I found it difficult to get interested in this story. Too bland, too derivative, too much of everything. Trouble is, other films have already done it, and done it better. Imagine watching a remake of the Godfather, but with completely different actors. You'll have some idea of how Confidence made me feel.

All in all a dull and uninspiring film.
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