Review of Aftermath

Aftermath (2002)
6 December 2003
There are some early clues that "Aftermath" is going to be a mediocre B-flick. First of all, it features B-movie diva and frequent Razzie nominee Sean Young. Secondly the film starts out with lots and lots of busy work while taking what seem like forever to develop any semblance of a story. The rest of the cast of has beens or never wases makes itself known as the film wears on delivering shamefully hickory performances. In one scene where Young is viewed through a telescopic gun sight the film was flopped as her ear bud is in the wrong ear, her coat buttons the wrong way, and the letters on the news telecam behind her are backward. In another, an attache case containing a bomb is inspected for bombs on an X-ray revealing something which looks just like a bomb...wires, black boxes, etc. but passes the check. Need I say more. (C-)
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