Review of Solaris

Solaris (2002)
The most intelligent Science Fiction film I've seen in a long time...
27 February 2004
This is one of those movies that leaves you stunned when it ends. It's what Science Fiction used to be before special effects became all the rage in the late 70's and 80's.

Many who have commented on it call it cerebral or intellectual. Those are both very accurate words to describe it. If you liked 2001, or some of the older science fiction from the 60's and 70's, I think you will enjoy this film.

The hardware is very realistic, but isn't shown off. The vehicles remind me of Space: 1999. The CGI effects of the planet / entity (Solaris) are incredibly beautiful and the score is eerily perfect. The cinematography is really something.

This version of Mr. Lem's novel has a few twists at the end that I think make this one actually better that the original Solyaris. Almost a 'Sixth Sense' kind of twist that will pull a lot of things together - someone isn't who (or what) you think they are. There were some parts of the original Solyaris that made it drag way too long in parts. This version - while still slow gets to the point quicker. You really have to pay attention because much of the heart of the story is told through flashbacks / dreams, and the main character's mental exhaustion can confuse things quite a bit.

If you have to have big special effects, phaser battles, lots of explosions - this film is definitely not for you. If you not only liked 2001, but also actually understood it, I think you will like this story even better in some respects. For those that have commented that there is no plot and it doesn't make sense - it's not Mr. Lem's or Mr. Soderbergh's fault that you don't get it.

Anyone who has lost someone very important to them should definitely understand the heart of this story. You won't be disappointed.
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