Review of Sin

Sin (2003)
Do not waste your life watching this dreadful film
10 August 2004
This was worst film I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. It was painful to watch, the only thing that kept me watching this dreadful film was that it was so bad I felt I had a responsibility to warn the rest of the world not to waste a couple of hours of their lives watching it.

There was no plot to speak of and any hints of a plot were so obvious that you work them out at least half an hour in advance. Every word in this film is a part of a line or a speech, there is no 'normal everyday talking' the script is rubbish! The direction was confusing in its absence and the editing seems to have been done ten minutes before the premier.

Do not be fooled by the cast as they were also somehow fooled by the script.

Worthy of the IMDb bottom 100, and in my opinion should be #1.
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