Harlem Renaissance historical account
27 March 2004
I saw this film at the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival last night and am very pleased that I did. It follows a young Black artist as he struggles to find a boyfriend and be true to himself whilst at Uni. He meets Bruce Nugent a mover and shaker of the Harlem Renaissance, who with the likes of Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston and Wallace Thurman created Fire! a revolutionary journal. This is a touching, well acted and thought provoking film. I learnt much that I did not know about this incredible quartet, especially the lesser known Wallace Thurman and Bruce Nugent. It tackles homophobia from the Black community, both in the modern day and the past, challenging the stereotypes that all Black people are homophobic and that all gay men are 'effeminate'. The film also raises issues around interracial relationships and the political/personal issues they can raise. I'd definately recommend seeing it. (and yes, the lead guy is the guy from 8Mile!)
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