A very entertaining and fun movie for the LDS (i.e., Mormon) audience.
13 February 2002
This movie was a very clever comedy on LDS ways and things. My wife and I needed an evening of fun and relaxation--a break from stress--and this movie totally filled the bill. We laughed and laughed both in the movie and in reviewing it with each other on the drive home. Key descriptors of the movie include: clever, creative, entertaining, silly, fun, and in a few places a little bit romantic and heart-warming. Tremendous one-liners in the movie. Nothing in the movie is offensive or in poor taste. A PG rating was solicited by the producers (as opposed to a G rating) to increase marketability. Also, good-looking stars add a pleasant dimension to a movie, and the starring actor and actress in this movie are both very good looking. Nothing in the movie is offensive or in poor taste.

Warning: Non-LDS--not recognizing this movie's play on idiosyncrasies of the Latter-day Saints--would find this movie somewhat strange if not outright "stupid".
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