Disturbing, but very well done film
8 April 2003
This movie is quite disturbing and not exactly pleasant to watch. However, that is not to say this isn't a very good and important film because it is.

There's a reason why Religion produces more pain, conflict and death than anything else in the history of mankind. It is used as an instrument of fear and power, and of course the weaker minded will always have gravitate towards the unknowable, and those who claim exclusive access to it. Not to say Religious concepts have no meaning or good qualities...and if humanity survives well into the future without destroying itself due to conflicting faiths, it will surely look back upon most Religious concepts as nothing more than unnecessary barbarism and tools for a weaker civilization.

Case in point...Savage Messiah. A psychotic and truly evil cult leader who tortures, kills, maims, molests, abuses...all in the name of "Love" and "God". Obviously this man was a complete lunatic, yet quite brilliant in some perverse ways. It's amazing that a few people still are loyal to him despite all the hard evidence against him, and even his ad hoc confession of guilt. Total brainwashing is a very easy process with some people it does seem.

As for the movie itself, it stays quite close to the known public truth about "Roch" and his self-proclaimed entourage. It is well filmed, realistic, and most importantly has some excellent acting performances by Polly Walker and Luc Picard. It's a movie that is important, even though most people won't ever get the chance to view it.
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