1 September 2003
I am a huge fan of the horror genre. When I go to see a horror movie, I want to see constantly tense scenes leading from one to another. Any Friday the 13th, Halloween, or Elm Street movie, can be ranked up amongst the top rated horror movies from the last 25 years. I don't expect Oscar worthy performances to be played out before being hacked up into tiny pieces! However, I do need a reasonably good storyline to keep me interested. The first "Creeper" movie did keep me interested the entire way through. I loved how the film focussed on Darry and his sister Trish, along with the Creeper. The movie mantained a very tense atmosphere, as well as being able to stay dark and mysterious. The sequel to "Jeepers Creepers" was just plain garbage! I was actually sitting in the theater hoping that the movie would end sooner than we were expecting it to. Jezelle(the psychic from the 1st movie) told Darry and Trish that they would have to 'run like hell' if they ever heard the "Jeepers Creeprs, where'd you get them peepers" song, though it was not heard once in this movie. Also, the Creeper's fast as hell truck is not seen once in the film. There are also so many unnecessary plots that the writer introduced to us, that kept the viewers wondering 'why the hell is this even in the movie?' The racism... the gay boy... the topless boys(lots of this in the movie), the psychic chick(we don't even understand why she is psychic at all) and at the end of the movie we don't even know who survived the entire ordeal. We only see three or four of the kids that did survive, but it didn't show any more than five or six of the bus passengers getting killed(kids and adults), when there were at least 25 teens on the bus. What happened to all the others? There are just far too many useless things in this movie, that made it such a waste of my time. Easily the movie could have been made more enjoyable at 85 mins running time, but it just seemed to drag ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON... snoooooze...
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