Blue Crush (2002)
11 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing special to say the least.


Blue Crush tries to take on a lot of themes but seems to drop them without any effort to carry them. For instance, we never find out what happens about Anne Marie and Penny's mother, Eden and Lena quit their jobs then are seen working them a few days later, Penny seems to have a growing interest in drugs and sex and we're just supposed to believe it's typical 'teenage experimentation,' Anne Marie and Matt's relationship happens at a ridiculously fast pace, the rival surf gang or whatever suddenly warms up because...why? Etc.

Plus the dialouge sounded way forced and awkward, and, at times, very unnatural. The surf footage was pretty impressive, if you ignore the fact that in most instances it was clear that stunt doubles were doing the surfing. But the rest of the footage looked like a home video.

A big disappointment. 3/10
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