Creative, daring, but, like its main character, clumsy
28 August 2002
This movie is really modern and creative in many ways. The beginning sequence is extremely well conceived and filmed. So much so that my expectation bar went way up and I was expecting a modern German film revelation (didn't get it either with Run Lola Run, but Der Tunnel did the trick for non-modern-looking German flick at least)

It is quite easy to jump in with the characters from the very start; they are weird, fun and interesting. Definitely not lovable, but great to follow around in their life troubles. So, how to get a 30 year-old mentally retarded brother laid? That's the question.

The answer is not that simple and attempting to find it is what drives the movie to ludicrous and strange situations all around. There are some pretty inexplicable things it this movie, like why a character suddenly bursts into lip-singing for apparently no reason. There is some interesting use of split screen, of timer digital camera, of fake teeth, of pushed yet always believable narrative. This is a story of the new century. Of curious youths trying to get a piece of ass. This is a look at absurdity in day to day life. Yet is falls victim to its own devices. It is brilliant, but not quite there. Stimulating, but not quite touching. Awkward. Convoluted. Unpolished. Unsure of how to achieve greatness. In fact, it is quite like Josh, the Prince of Darkness. The VW. Not Volkswagen silly, "Vampire Wannabe". Childish. There is still room for maturity.

Still worth a look though. Too strange not to be scene. Promising. The suiting ending is also a bonus.

See you in your dreams...
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