"That night I became what I am now: Their worst enemy."
11 July 2004
Bloody Mallory is an intentionally campy flick in the mold of Dead Alive and Army of Darkness. Although it's not nearly as good as either of those films, it does deserve some credit. Where else can you see a blood-spattered bride team up with a priest, a mute telepathic little girl, and a 7-foot tall French-American drag queen? Nowhere I tell you. Did I mention they're on a mission to rescue the Pope? People keep comparing this film to Buffy the Vampire Slayer but I see more comparisons to Matthew Blackheart: Monster Smasher. They are both extremely colorful, oddly humorous, and set up for sequels. If you like horror-comedies with their tongue firmly planted in its cheek, check out Bloody Mallory. You could do a lot worse.

Note for genre buffs: Valentina Vargas, who played Lady Valentine, was also the sexy Cenobite, Angelique, in Hellraiser: Bloodline.
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