Worst film ever
24 December 2003
I was out today with an old friend of mine and she really wanted to watch a movie, I wasn't particularly interested in seeing anything so I let her decide, she came out of the video store with a movie that had Alyssa Milano in it, so I knew it would be bad. I was wrong, the movie wasn't just bad, it was terrible, we even broke into her dad's place to watch it on his TV, I crawled through a window for this? I feel like I have wasted a large chunk of my life, and I want it back. I will never have this hour and a half back again so spare yourselves the same suffering I have encountered would you?

I can't even be bothered to tell you what was terrible about it in detail because the whole movie was a disaster. There was one good thing about this movie though, the girl who plays the youngest sister is really hot.

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