Time Changer (2002)
Lack of Entertainment and Bad Acting Equal a Film to Avoid
10 October 2003
To say that this movie overstates its case is putting it mildly. There could have been a sense of discovery in the Time Changer. Instead, the film takes itself too seriously and fails to portray an adventure in any sense of the words "fun" and stimulating.

The plot is predictable and the main characters are stereotypical Christian fundamentalists in the worst sense of that expression. A lot of self righteous dogma and smugness is presented. The morality of 1890's rigidly conservative middle America is presented as somehow normal and universal, which is sheerly a historical inaccuracy as well as fantasy.

There is not much sense of the joy of everyday living on Earth shown as a possibility for a 'truly' religious person. They have nothing much else to do but debunk science and wait for Jesus to arrive. Which is any minute. Umm, any minute now. Well, Jesus seems to have missed his cue and will come for a visit in His own good time, which could be one thousand years from now. The most ridiculous assertion of this movie is that "The End Times" are here. These "End Times" have supposedly been just around the corner since the early 1900's. Some folks are very impatient for the world to end, apparently.

The main characters regurgitate Rapture generalities over and over to each other. Jennifer O'Neill seems like a Stepford wife, robotic-like in agree ing with the Victorian era men who come from the 1890's to make sure she and others in modern times still believe in the 100% literal translation of the Bible. Who needs Biblical exegesis, Biblical commentaries and cultural sources to help clarify various portions of the Bible when Biblical scholarship was supposedly completed before the 1900's? That and other absurd ideas are pounded into the viewer and not in a very loving or hopeful manner.

If it was good enough for the Christian fundies of 1890, then, by crackie, why should we delve any further into scriptural matters? Who needs archaeology? Why should anyone grow spiritually, unless of course they promise to remain conservative and not become open minded or tolerant of the religious beliefs of others. The movie is sheer fundamentalist propaganda thinly disguised as entertainment. Avoid it.
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