Review of xXx

xXx (2002)
Just enough for two hours of entertainment, nothing more.
18 October 2002
I just spent 8 Euros (approx. 8.5 Dollars) for a movie which is almost as bad as Mission: Impossible 2 (and that one really s*cked).

1.: The movie is just loud. I mean, I like metal, I like Rammstein, but the soundtrack is just too loud. It kind of smothers everything and there are no quiet moments in between to relax.

2.: There's nothing but action. Okay, I knew that before, but there aren't any quiet scenes. So after a while the action gets boring. And usually I like action-movies.

3.: Ever heard about characterization? The villain remains bland, uninteresting and not really threatening. The same goes for his companions as well as - well - everybody else in this film, including Asia Argento and Sam Jackson. You just don't care about the characters.

4.: The acting s*cked. Okay, Sam Jackson plays his usual cool, but he hasn't got much screentime, so he can't save the film. And Vin Diesel? If I didn't know he can do better (like in Pitch Black, Boiler Room or Multi-Facial, even in TFATF he was better!), I'd wonder what he is doing in Hollywood anyway. Okay, the script is very weak and the stupid lines the actors have to say make a good acting difficult, but he just isn't convincing. I like Vin Diesel, he was the reason I wanted to see this movie in the first place. But in this movie his acting is really bad. And the kissing-scene with Asia Argento is totally unerotic.

5.: There is no suspense or else of any kind! The plot just plays along without any highs and lows. There are no twists, no surprises. Everything is forseeable. And the stunts? Yea, they are good, but do they have to show 25 times how Xander flies through the barbed wire on his motorbike? Once or twice would have been enough. And the avalanche? It was okay, but...

The film is not totally bad though. There are some scenes in it which are totally funny, and some of the one-liners Diesel's got to say were really cool, but those couldn't save the movie for me. And the credits were cool. But I think they should have saved that money and put it into a decent script instead. And maybe Vin should make his next films with a different director where he can show more of his acting ability. There are more people out there than just 18 year-olds, and just action without a decent plot gets boring pretty soon.

All in all it is a movie which you can watch once, but that's about it.
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