Brilliant!! Stunning!! We were all mesmerised!!
22 November 2003
Beyond Borders just knocks you back. The pace and impact is stunning, and any criticism that this feeds off the suffering is cruel. This film has been given the thumbs-up by the UN (they couldn't have used the UN logo without it) and yes, whilst there is a romance in the plot (and why not?) it does, with great pain, show very real suffering and so does, on that level, almost function as a documentary on behalf of the UN, showing very real suffering in the world, and if, as a result, it raises awareness, then it achieves greatness. The cinematography was brilliant, and using the 77 stock again proving that HD still has a long way to go.

I and my students were privileged to meet both Martin Campbell and Phil Meheux and a private screening at Pinewood Studios and so had the opportunity to ask them many questions about the production, and it was very clear that they themselves had also been very effected by the whole experience, as, we all know, was Angelina Jolie herself, who, incidentally, was brilliant in the part, despite having lips to die for.

Only a real cynic with no soul could knock this one.
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