Simple, but not effective
6 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing the film, I have to say that I sat thinking for a while, and decided that I kinda like it, but not much. I'm quite fond of recent argentinian cinema, and I try to see as much of it as possible. This one, starring the (much more than beautiful, I'm in love with her) spanish actress Ingrid Rubio (delivering a very credible argentinian accent, as she did in "El faro del Sur") and that big bear named Alfredo Casero takes place in a place out of the world, the end of the world, Ushuaia. The landscapes are amazing, and gives you the sense of loneliness the characters are going through.

(***spoilers from here on***)

Ingrid lends her eyes express the pain of being alone when she notices she's pregnant. Alfredo's pain is much deeper, as he's lost his wife and is taking her ashes to Ushuaia, where they first met, and then commit suicide as he finds no reasons to live. Ingrid is the stewardess of Alfredo's plane, and their paths are going to meet, as Ingrid's character feels there's also no reason to live in a world where no one cares about you and she's also going to commit suicide. They'll meet at this point, and their lives will change forever.

The players: I think Ingrid has been very well casted. You can feel what she thinks through her very expressing eyes. Alfredo, on the contrary, doesn't deliver much more than a single face throughout the whole movie.

The movie: The plot is not much deeper that what I've explained before, but there are touches of "realismo magico" (magic realism) which are fun and always nice to have. The photography is great, the landscapes amazing. Is a simple love story in which the only believable moments are the ones with Ingrid on screen.

To summarize,is a simple movie with simple ideas, a love story nicely shot but does not move you at any moment, easy watching, and with a beautiful and talented actress that is always worth watching.
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