Rock Bottom
9 July 2002
Imagine for a second you are a TV exec. for Comedy Central and you are deciding what show to put on your 10:30 Pm Sunday time slot. Along comes this complete idiot with a show idea where he sits in a chair with a stupid sidekick and tells horribly unfunny jokes and shows bad skits? If your like the execs from Comedy Central in the late summer of 2001, then you are missing several key brain cells. This was the absolute worst show ever to grace the air waves. A dumb-looking guy names Chris Wylde and his teenage sidekick "Forty" sit on stage and have a lame talk show. His desk is littered with little child's toys and figurines. (yeah, i know). There's this awful rock band playing in between commercials and these horrid sketches. Not to mention these 5th rate guests that make Conan O'briens' look like America's 50 most inetersting people.

Some shows we may not like, but can tolerate. Even when a large majority hates a show (there are many anti-Stern and Anti-South park people no doubt) there is always that cult following large or small, always enough to keep the show running anyway. The Chris Wylde show never came close to having this. I don't think anyone in this world liked this show. No one could realte because this guy was not funny. The audience was obviously paid as they struggled to pretend laugh. Comedy central had churned out some really awful programming over the years but this takes the taco. Maybe "make me laugh" has a case to plead...maybe, but even it could not sink as far as "Wylde". I bet these episode tapes were destroyed as soon as they exited the VCR at 11PM on sundays. Hopefully we will never have to endure them again. Shame on you, comedy Central for showing this nonsense....What was "Forty"'s deal anyway. some 15-year old Stoner wannabe who sat in a recliner and erased all dignity previously acquired...I am calling on anyone out there, ANYONE AT ALL to tell me why they found this show funny.
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