German girl power gem
25 September 2003
"Big Girls Don't Cry" is a little German gem about two affluent late teen females - best friends since childhood - whose bond of love for each other is tested when life experiences force them to cope with serious matters of character and integrity. The film is a stylish shoot, imbued with the ever present aura of a female auteur, which offers some superb performances by a young cast, especially tyro Mühe, as it wends it way through a somewhat thin story with realism, balance, proportion, and a distinct absence of that most prevalent of cliches - teen angst. A huge kudo to von Heland for this engrossing little foreign subtitled film which will play best with females, especially teens and young adults into foreign flicks. (B)

Note - If you like this film, you might want to give "Bandits 1997" a try.
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