Give it a rest you guys..
11 January 2002
Sadly, most of these comments are from the fanboys stuck in the 80's or are not familier with the story behind this version. Get a grip guys and catch up with us Transfans who have evolved to accept the change in TF toys and cartoons.

For one, this takes place in an ALTERNATE universe. It is parallel to or own and pretty much just like it.

This Prime is not the same G1 Prime we knew. Since this series is from Japan you should know about their series. Each Autobot (or Cybertron)leader (for the most part) has had the name Convoy which in the US is Prime. There is LioConvoy, Rodimus Convoy (aka Rodimus Prime), Big Convoy, Convoy (original Prime), and more. In the Japan version of RiD, or Car Robots, Prime's name is Fire Convoy. He is a seperate person and NOT the original Convoy. Prime on Cybertron is like having John Smith on earth. Convoy is reserved for leaders. It is like a average joe having the name James Bond. Does this mean they are the super spy? No they just happen to have the same name. That is the case he. So quit complaining about Prime not being your precious little red semi. Get a grip it is just a cartoon.

Same thing goes for megatron/Galvatron, Scourge, and Magnus.

I have watched every episode and must say it is excellent for the most part. Good lines abound in this series and it often has a little easter egg for us G1 fans like Beast Wars did. In one episode the mention the name Augie Kinnay. This may not seem like much unless you remember the old G1 ep about the Trans-european race. He was a jerk of a race car driver and a central figure in that ep. A small detail that is given back to us fans.

The villians are great, not as scary or menacing as the G1 bots, but still they try and cause a good bit of terror. Skybyte is one of my favorites. He is just so well scripted and voice acted. Plus they kept a good bit of his Japanese side in the form of his 'chibi' or superdeformed daydreams. This is where the figures have oversized heads on tiny bodies. Also he writes poetry and even sings in one ep.

The 'cons are great to. The team bullet train and build team are also well done.

Only real complaint I have is towline. He is too dimwitted and sounds like a stoned surfer.

Still this is a great series and deserves more of a chance than many of the reviewers are giving it. So what if it is anime. It is still good.

A+ from a Transfan with no life.
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