Sedes & Belli (2002–2004)
Boring drama serie...
21 December 2003
The only thing that is good about those Flemish series are the begin-credits of the films, which have a very graphical and photographic quality. But everything is downhill from that point on. Even with numerous directors working on the different episodes, it is remarkable to see that non of them actually makes something remotely engaging, not to say interesting! They all stay in the footsteps of old series like Heterdaad or Windkracht 10, but never innovate or surprise their audience. The camerawork is shaking constantly without any purpose, the action sequences are boring, the drama never gets higher than the usual superficial pulp we use to read in second hand pulp drama's, the dialogue doesn't work and explains too much, the scenes are stupid, the actress who plays Belli is poorly cast and the series contain music that doesn't work on the different sequences. I had a constant feeling those series were made by old television people who could never hack it in the cinema business and tried desperately to imitate without knowing what they were doing. Another poor attempt going down the drain.
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