Funny And Touching
23 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film, it had humour, warmth and some geniunely touching moments. I don't speak this language but it was easy to follow, the two child actors were quite convincing in their roles, it was almost as if they were really sisters with their squabbles, secrets and at play. I hope i am not going to give too many spoilers but the film starts with a train ride for the girls, they are leaving their city life behind for a stay with their grand-parents in a rural setting. They obviously aren't too pleased with the prospect. The grandparents are set in their ways, especially the grandfather but over time they warm to the children despite the scrapes they get into. I have a feeling some people have rated this film from an adult's perspective when it is shot from a child's perspective. Not to be missed is the look on the old man's face when the girls step from the train and when they are pretending to be TV interviewers with a cardboard box after the TV has broken down
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