Review of The Room

The Room (2001)
A poetic haunting ten minute tale semi-autobiographical
19 July 2004
Rutger Hauer just sits in an near empty room with a soundtrack playing consisting of twangy guitars and haunting piano melodies, he talks about how as a twenty year old he first heard music coming from a flat and how he became 'mesmerised' by the piano music emitting from the room, later we see that this is the place that he is seeing out the rest of his life, as he is dying from some sort of brain illness.

when Hauer talks, i could not help feeling that he was talking about himself- past loves, pets, people he sees etc. etc. you the viewer, come away feeling a lifetime has flashed before your eyes in just ten minutes-this is a tale of past reflection, perhaps semi-autobiographical from Hauer's point or maybe it's simply because he is a brilliant actor who was always everybody's favourite Hollywood psycho.
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