This is an Oscar Worthy Performance???
11 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie expecting great things. I like all the stars. However, the movie was a major disappointment -long and no plot. First of all, I was not impressed with Halle Berry's performance. She drifted in her character too much - bouncing between poor & ignorant to educated and unlucky. The big sex/nude scene was graphic but not erotic and really didn't add to the storyline.

*Spoilers* The storyline itself was totally unbelievable and lacking. What made Thornton's character change? He watched his own child kill himself without any remorse and then suddenly he is in love with a black woman who he comforts because her child is killed? Especially when he is supposed to be a big racist? And you expect me to believe that Halle Berry's character loses her job because she is late to work due to her car dying and her husband being put to death that week, so walking home in the rain her son gets killed by a hit and run driver, and she is losing her home but instead of paying her bills she hocks her rings to buy a hat for Thornton. She has no family or friends either. According to SOME other viewers here, I am not intellectual because I simply don't buy this?

The only saving grace to the movie is Heath Ledger's performance. He is on his way to becoming a true star
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