Review of Monster's Ball

This Movie Hits on All Cylinders
16 February 2002
This is an emotionally complex, sometimes harsh movie to watch. The dialog and plot are true to the characters. The is no "lazy writing" here.

Billy Bob Thorton turns in a good, albeit unamimated, performance. His acting is understated, much like the performances of Chris Cooper. The real treat is the acting of Halle Berry. I have been a fan of her exceptional beauty and it was clear that she had acting talent when watching her in movies such as "Losing Isaiah". However, she was more often found in forgettable movies as the "Flintstones" or "Racing the Sun". Her performance in "Monster's Ball" leaves no doubt that she can act. It's rare to see an actor convey complex emotion with such clarity with no dialog. That ability is seen in actresses such as Juliette Binoche. We get to see it here in Halle Berry as well.

This is a fine movie on all counts. Acting, directing, plot; It's all here. This is a "must see" movie.
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