Go Go Gadget comeback?
11 August 2001
"Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas" was actually the first new piece Inspector Gadget material release since the series went off air. The first and only time I saw the episode was on ABC's Saturday morning cartoon lineup near Christmastime.

Anyway, the episode is pure "Gadget" fun. The special goes on like a regular episode of the series, with the gizmo-toting inspector doing battle with Dr. Claw and his terrorist group M.A.D. This time though Gadget has to try to save Christmas from the not-so-good doctor. Dr. Claw has hatched up a plan to take control of Santa's workshop at the North Pole and ruin Christmas for all the good little boys and girls. Of course, Gadget is on the case and once again Penny and Brain must guide the bumbling inspector on his way.

The half-hour special was quite good; I remember the animation being colorful and pretty detailed. The voice-acting was decent; Don Adams reprised his role as Gadget. I don't believe series voice actors Frank Welker (Dr. Claw) and Cree Summer (Penny) returned for the special though. Penny's voice sounded WAY different from the original series.

Just like an episode of the old series, the show was hilarious. Gadget is clueless as usual, and even tries to arrest the real Santa! Of course, Penny and Brain help Gadget save the day as usual. The Chief returns as the series' old running gag of getting hurt accidentally by Gadget.

The Inspector Gadget Christmas special was what I hoped to be a the start of a comeback for the beloved walking, talking Swiss army knife. Unfortunately, Gadget didn't fit in this era of post-1980's sophisticated, more "educational" children's entertainment and we haven't seen the Inspector since (the terrible live action Gadget movie, cute little internet Flash shorts and "Gadget Boy" not withstanding). Still, it was great to see an old animated friend return, if just for one half-hour.
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