Review of Spun

Spun (2002)
Spun into the gutter of filmmaking
12 August 2003
The non-existent plot has been described elsewhere, so I won't recount it here.

I watched the DVD because I like most of Brittany Murphy's characters and I liked Mena from American Beauty (only role of hers I've seen.)

Brittany was about as expected, and I guess did the best acting in the movie. She had little material to work with, however. No one did.

Unfortunately, seeing Mena dressed in sweats and fuzzy slippers, with grungy teeth and circles under her eyes was kinda non-romantic :-) I could have done without the image of her grunting on the toilet.

Someone has to cook up the drugs, which explains Mickey Roarke as "the Cook". However, I really disliked his "acting" and rough growly voice, although in real life I suppose that would be caused by the chemical fumes. Neat to see he has false front teeth, probably a souvenir of his wrestling days. Thought his "pussy speech" at the porno shop was gratuitous, as was most of the movie in general.

John Leguizamo - I knew the name, but not the face before this - must be applauded for his role, the low-light of which is when he frantically masturbates into a sock. Later, when arrested, that is still all he is wearing.

The other characters? Forgettable.

Some people will want to see the naked woman spread-eagled on the bed, or the X-rated animation of fisting, anal sex and golden showers - (not my cup of tea). Yeah, it's all there to see, but I suggest renting a porn movie instead as it will likely be more rewarding.

The DVD has an uninspired commentary, but has a few items of note: 1) The movie supposedly has over 5,000 cuts, beating the record by about twice (so says the director) 2) The director was proud that although the original edit was over 3 hours, it lost nothing when getting trimmed to an hour and 41 minutes. As the song goes, "nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'...

You might rent it as a curiosity, but that's about it. Rates 2/10 for some effort, though futile.
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