A positive review.
25 January 2003
These days horror can't win. No matter what, a horror film is going to get bad reviews. It's as simple as that. So why worry about it anymore? If you like horror movies, go see them, because if you wait for one with good reviews, it'll never happen. That out of the way, let me say this movie is pretty average, but it does have its moments. It's fun, full of scares, and has some pretty tense moments at times. A lot of it is contrived, but who cares? The characters all survive by staying in the light, or else the evil tooth fairy/witch will suck them into the air and rip them up. This leads to many suspenseful situations involving flashlights and overhead beams. The acting is good, and the movie zooms along at a swift pace. I recommend seeing this if you're a horror fan or if you just want to have fun. Don't go expecting to see a masterpiece, this is horror. You go to these movies to have a good time, enjoy it. Critics really bashed this film...REALLY bashed it...but then again most critics are like 40 years old and up, so do you really want advice from them? The film is of course full of cliches. The lights all go out at the wrong time, even flashlights die and overhead lights go out just in time for the witch to kill someone. About the 6th time a light goes out and puts our friends in doom we have to start wondering how many times a light can just run out in one night. The witch is also better when she stays in the dark, I have to add. When we get a good look at her she looks too much like a puppet. Her mask is the only scary thing. So in short, ignore the reviews. Was there ANYONE expecting this to get a good grade? Is there ANY horror movie that ever will? Think about it. Funny how no one gripes about the more and more contrived romantic comedies popping up every month...or the more and more contrived action flicks every summer. It seems every other genre can recycle the same old stuff and not get in trouble for it. Think about it. EVERY movie these days, spare a few, suffers from horror symptoms: cliches, contrived plots, cheesy lines...So trust me, think about where you're getting advice from before you skip a fun movie.
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