Joe and Max (2002 TV Movie)
Why it is Important to get a Good Extras!
28 March 2002
Yes, this is a good movie. Yes, it had good leading and supporting actors. But why did they cast some of the worst extras in motion picture history. For starters, when you have to cast a Rocky Marciano extra for a film, do yourself a favor and cast an Italian actor! Even if he's not Italian, get an actor who looks like Rocky Marciano! This is one of the reasons why this film sticks out in the viewers mind. Like Bret Favres' acting in Something About Mary, the extras in this film stood out as wrong for the roles. They casted a 6'3, Irish looking, skinny actor to play a 5'8 heavy weight Italian Rocky Marciano. Even the guy who played Hitler seemed too wrong for the role. Not as evil as history predicts. The guy they got to play Hitler looked like a short, German actor with a bad mustache. Anyway, the overall point is that every factor of a film matters. From the little things to the big picture, everything counts.
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