How to Make a Monster (2001 TV Movie)
Swimming with A Monster
31 October 2001
"Swimming with Sharks" was one of those great 90's movies. It was my first real introduction to Kevin Spacey who just lit up the screen with his performance. The director of that film now brings us "How to Make a Monster." In the same vein as "Sharks," HTMAM is all about the downward spiral that happens when people are trying to get ahead at any cost. This story, set in the world of video game development, throws in the very reality TV element of a million dollar prize to the designer who can push a new game over the top. While everyone's competing and fighting over the money, a creature begins to pick them off one by one. It kind of dawned on me days after watching the movie that the creature represented the designers -- as if their id became manifest -- and began to kill, fueled by what was secretly inside each member of the group. Not to get too philosophic, but watch this movie and you'll see what I mean. This movie makes a lot of statements about consumer culture, targeting violent games for kids and the American fascination with becoming an overnight millionaire. But forget about all of that. At its core, HTMAM is just a good ol' monster movie with lots of biting dialogue, good performances and some tasty horror sequences.
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