Double Teamed (2002 TV Movie)
The Problem? Well...
28 February 2003
The problem with this movie is that the sisters - supposedly twins - look NOTHING alike.

The film is based on the true-life-story of WNBA stars Heather and Heidi Burge, who overcame sexism etc. to accomplish their goal of being basketball players.

The film is okay, and I'm more than pleased that family films can stick to the old formula - no swearing, violence, sex, etc., but a good-natured family film with values - but the film itself is poorly written and acted.

It's good that films like these can still be made, but the problem lies with (a) bad directors, (b) bad scripts, (c) bad actors, and (d) low budgets that would make "The Blair Witch Project" blush.

The fact that Disney will not release films like these into theaters tells us something: they are either too ashamed to release something with actual TASTE, or they are serving to a new generation, THAT THEY CREATED, plain and simple.

Family films used to be good, but since Disney started making "babysitter" films off of classics (i.e. "The Jungle Book 2," "101 Dalmations 2," et cetera...), kids have gotten used to minimum entertainment. They no longer realize what quality films are because CORPORATIONS LIKE DISNEY TAUGHT THEM TO NOT KNOW ANY BETTER. They accept lousy movies because they have been taught to.

Perhaps some day we will see a change, but all I see is continual downfall.

This is the reason I praise movies like "Toy Story" so much - they can stick to the old-fashioned way of entertainment: quality.

As for "Double Teamed"...unfortunately, despite some good qualities, the film just doesn't make it to a high level...

2/5 stars -

John Ulmer
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