Funny, but could have been a lot funnier!
22 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
From what I heard about this movie beforehand, I was expecting it to be hilarious. Dave Sheridan cracks me up and the story seemed to have potential to be a great comedy in the Ace Ventura vein. While it was funny, it could have been a lot funnier. The main problem with the movie is that it ends up resorting to low-brow and tasteless jokes way too often. I don't mind a few gay jokes here and there, but this movie just keeps making more and more gay jokes as it goes along. It got annoying very fast. Some of the crude humor was funny. The scene in which Randy Quaid's character (who is in a coma) keeps farting had me cracking up and the part where all the people in the wheelchairs fall off the stage at the Hanson concert had me laughing so hard my sides began to hurt. In a movie like this, I was expecting more slapstick than there was, especially since the slapstick scenes were the ones that worked the best. Another problem I had with the movie was that it had such great cast members as Kevin P. Farley and Tracy Morgan, but they hardly had enough screen time to show off there comedic talent. Perhaps what bugged me the most was that the movie was way too short. Not counting the credits, it has a running time of 77 minutes. It should have been about 15 minutes longer. Anyway, it still is an enjoyable picture filled with some pretty solid laughs so overall I'd give it **1/2.
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