Review of WillFull

WillFull (2001)
a true Aussie dramedy
23 September 2004
WILLFULL was the first directorship for "Priscilla" exec producer Rebel Penfold Russell whose lively relationship with her own mother provides the raucous thrust of most of the comedy here. A reasonable budget shows in the lush look and style; Anne Looby especially as the Mame like mother returning to haunt her estranged daughter offering all sorts of impractical advice. It is actually a romance between Mother and Daughter and when pitched to that audience scores well. Male reviewers in Australia disliked the film and loudly said so, unfortunately they were in the majority of the media. Women loved it because they related so well. Released here at the same time as Ya Ya Sisterhood it deserved the bigger audience. The DVD is great to view especially for the art direction and the clothes. Previous effort from Russell and her co Producer Vicki Watson was the very funny family film PAWS.
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