Bad Company (2002)
Not as bad as people say, not great either, but overall pretty good
12 June 2002
Judging from the poor box office numbers and even worse reviews, this will probably not be the smash hit of the summer. But is it awful? I wouldn't say so. It has its dull moments, and the plot contains very little originality, but I found it watchable and quite entertaining. My number one fear going into this film was Chris Rock. Now, I like him very much as a comedian, but he tends to have problems distinguishing when he's supposed be a comedian and when he's supposed to be an actor. That's why I was pleasantly surprised by his performance in this film. He shows a lot more discipline than I would expect, especially in the scenes between him and his girlfriend. Unfortunately, in the third act he loses it. That's when he gets caught in high-speed car chases and screams silly lines like "I wanna watch Oprah!" It's silly one-liners like that which decrease the tension of the otherwise spectacular action sequences. But overall, I was impressed with Rock, though he can still use a few acting lessons.

Anthony Hopkins is one of my favorite actors, but he's given a throwaway role as the snooty CIA agent who rolls his eyes any time Rock acts the least bit unprofessional, and every once in a while makes time to squelch out fragments of dry humor. The role could've been played by any fifth-rate actor. Hopkins really isn't given much to do.

I didn't appreciate Joel Schumacher's dim use of lighting. It worked well in one of his previous films, "Flatliners," but in that case it fit the tone quite well. In a more upbeat action-comedy like this, I'd expect brighter lighting. But the action scenes are well-done and well-choreographed. As I said, they would've been more fun if Chris Rock were to shut his mouth.

"Bad Company" is far from magnificent, but it serves its purpose. I don't suppose I'll watch it on many repeat viewings, though. But I laughed, I had fun. Overall, I had a good time. I'm not suggesting you rush to theaters to see this movie, but it's worth watching.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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