Review of Trapped

Trapped (I) (2002)
What is there to say?
17 March 2004
******SPOILERS****** The movie "Trapped" is supposed to be both dramatic and suspenseful but comes across like the Three Stooges of kidnapping. whom the "Brains of the outfit" Joe Hickey, Kevin Bacon, brags at the beginning of the film about how smart and successful he is in his ground-breaking innovations in the Art of Kidnapping. As well as how they worked to perfection the last four times in getting not only the loot from his victims but with them not even reporting his crimes to the police.

But here in the movie HIckey and his two fumbling cohorts come across as the biggest bunch of misfits in criminal history. Which makes you wonder as you watch his moronic plan unfold before your eyes what kind of incompetent and brain-dead people, police as well as victims, they were dealing with in their previous four kidnappings?

Hickey the big mastermind gets slashed by the mother of the kidnapped girl Karen Jennings, Charlize Theron, before having a gun pulled on him when he was too stupid to check out the house after he crashed it for weapons. He then lets Karen out of his sight as he was looking through the pages of a fashion magazine.

Joe's wife Cheyrl, Countery Love, and cohort in the crime holds the father William Jennings, Stuart Townsend, of the kidnapped girl hostage in a hotel room only to fall asleep and have him grab her gun and turn the tables on her. The third member of the bumbling trio the simple-minded Marvin, Pruitt Taylor, who's holding the kidnapped girl Abigail Jennings, Dakota Fenning, hostage in a cabin in the forest is always screwing up Joe's mater-plan. Marvin lets the girl escape and then having to re-capture her as he goes around the cabin doing his daily chores like popping popcorn in the micro and watching the funnies on the TV.

There's also a sub-plot to the story about the father, a doctor, of the kidnapped girl being held responsible for the death of Joe and Cheryl's little girl Kathy which makes the movie, if it's wasn't already enough, more confusing then it is.

You start to realize later in the movie that Joe's hair-brained scheme was really to have Abigail replace Kathy as his and his wives daughter and at the same time punish Dr. Jennings for Kathy's death.The ending of the film on a highway cluttered with exploded cars and trucks as well as a plane that Dr. Jennings and Cheryl crashed to stop both Joe and Marvin from getting away with little Abigail as well as her mother Karen. With the sight of everybody in the movie mindlessly hobbling around waiting for the movie to finally end left those of us watching the film in a state of total daze.
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