UC: Undercover (2001–2002)
Love it and always will
19 February 2002
UC: Undercover is simply the first show I've ever TRULY gotten behind, and it quickly became a passion. It's a brilliant mix of character, story and action. It has struck new ground, pushed boundaries - and when you think it's as good as it can get, it gets better. That alone is staggering - a show that dares to improve. Oded Fehr is commanding and wonderfully complex as Frank Donovan, and he's just the tip of the performance iceberg. Everyone gives their all. And the guest stars...my gosh, those amazing guest stars.

UC is also a show whose creator takes the time to continuously connect with those who support it, and whose lead actor took time over the Holiday Season to answer UC fans' questions. To watch it and see that you've been listened to, and that those involved are doing their darndest to involve you in the process is incredible.

Bottom line, I've never enjoyed my TV experience as I have with this terrific show.
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