UC: Undercover (2001–2002)
Wonder character development and interaction...
19 February 2002
Watch the character and actor interaction. The intensity of the scenes. The intelligence of the dialogue and the characters who say it. This show isn't loaded with backhanded quips about the "Bad Guy", they're shown as being what most international king pins are, intelligent men and women who will destroy all who stand in their way. You must admit that having Oded Fehr play Frank Donovan was a stroke of genius. The man can act as cold-blooded as any of Shane Salerno's "Bad Guys". With his fledgling unit of, still as yet, untried agents, this cast of characters is phenomenal. They are growing right before our eyes. They are almost a cohesive unit...almost. Frank Donovan is a man from whom lines like, "If you don't give me what I want, I'm going to destroy your life", sound uncontrived. I can't think of another character, or actor, on television who could say that line without the viewers busting up with laughter. Instead this line had many of us creeping toward the edges of ours seats waiting to see the outcome the exchange. Ah...intense, well acted drama is so very hard to come by these days. Most of it is just so much lip service and crap. "UC:Undercover" is definitely not crap, it is the best television I have seen in many years. I have found myself loathing the end of each episode. I hate waiting the whole week for another high voltage storyline. I don't just mean the lines, or the actors, I mean the setting, the cinematography, the whole thing as it's captured by the crew, the editors and Shane and of course how it's portrayed by the actors. Watch UC March 23rd from 8-10PM ET
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