Shooters (2002)
I Wonder If The Budget Reached Four Figures ?
1 September 2003
I had a gut feeling as this started that I wasn`t going to like it much . A couple of dudes open the trunk of an automobile , pull out several guns and start discussing the merchandise . Is this a Scorsese picture ? Is it a Tarantino picture ? No , it`s a Brit flick and it`s one with a totally underdeveloped script

I could really put the boot into SHOOTERS due to the production values but that`d be slightly unfair , and I suppose I should admire the producers who instead of going cap in hand to the lottery fund decided to sink their own money into the project , but alas it is painfully obvious they were skint because compared to this the average film school production has the budget of TERMINATOR 3 in comparison , and let`s not forget that 12 ANGRY MEN proves a lack of budget is no excuse for a badly written script
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