Review of Renegade

Renegade (2004)
Surprising: not that bad!
4 March 2004
Well, I went to see that in order to empty my stressed mind and to

forget my personal problems. So I was not expecting a good

movie. Knowing 3 movies by Jan Kounen (Dobermann, Gisele

Kerozene and Vibroboy), I was also expecting a rather violent and

almost inhuman action movie. But to my surprise: NO! It was exactly the contrary: a kind of hypnotic western movie, far

from what we've seen before in that cinema genre. Of course it's

not a masterpiece and it has some clichés and "bad" scenes. But

the style is quite original and it's more an insight of Blueberry's

mind than a Blueberry's adventure. This movie is far from the

comic book's character (I have to admit that I don't really know the

comic book so it's probably why I was not that upset by the

difference!) but in one way it's not a big deal! It's announced in the

opening credits: "freely inspired by"! Therefore, I think that's just a

re-invention of the myth of Blueberry as "O Brother" is a

re-invention of Ulysses by the Coen Brothers or "Romeo + Juliet"

a re-invention of Shakespeare's work by Baz Lurhman. Adaptation shouldn't be a copy, in fact. And that's why lots of

people always say: "oh my God, if you know the book, the cinema

adaptation is totally failed!" Because they (we) are often afraid of

re-invention. To come back to the movie "Blueberry", I have to say that I was

completely hypnotized by the animated almost abstract part of it. At

the end, the long insight of Blueberry reminded me of "2001 a

space odyssey". Of course "Blueberry" will not be remembered as

"2001" is and will still be, but it looks like a kind of tribute to

Kubrick's movie. "Blueberry" seems to be a very personal movie for Kounen and I

suppose that's the reason why it's misunderstood and underestimated. People were probably waiting for a more

conventional western movie. And I think this one is kind of

in-between: both a commercial movie and a more experimental

author's film. So have a try, and just fly in Blueberry's mind... and don't expect too

many action scenes! 7/10
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