Review of Desecration

Desecration (1999)
A good mix of atmosphere, fright, and humor
17 October 2003
Why does this only have a 3.7 rating when it has 5 positive reviews and only 1 negative? Well I'm going to add another positive review...

Pretty much what everybody below who had a positive review had to say, is true. I'll just add that nobody seemed to mention the humor here and there in the film. Or was I the only one who thought parts of it were funny? It mostly had to do with the old lady. I thought she was great! And the opening death scene... its campiness (hinted at by the one dissenter below) translated into hilarity for me. Well, maybe not hilarity, but amusing... :')

But of course this movie is no comedy, it's quite the chilling and atmospheric horror film that Argento fans seem to like. If a little bit hard to figure out, as well. I didn't know it was Dante Tomaselli's first movie until reading it here just now. I'll have to look for his other stuff.
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